Is the press asleep in America or what? Maybe things just look different because I am in Africa.
OK, first I want to kow where is CNN and everyone else who claims to report the new acurately - IGNORING the fact that FEMA has screwed up more - in the ice storm - especially for Kentucky, than they ever came close to in Katrina. Ok it is no Katrina with 1700 deaths - but FEMA moved slow.
They (FEMA) are there now, but 42 people did die. There is no "conspiracy theory" about allowing poor mountain folk to perish. Of course this goes on while Obama and his cronies enjoy $100 steak dinners.
On the Super Bowl: Why were we the fans robbed of the game? I am not saying the Cardinals were robbed - that is unknown. What I am saying is - as a fan - you end the game on a very questionable call and do ot review it? It is the SUPERBOWL!! How can you deny us the last 17 seconds or whatever it would be of the game?
The game was excellent yet messy mistakes by both teams and generally poorly officiated. Yet great performances on both sides of the ball. The Cardinals proved they belonged in the Superbowl and the Steelers proved themselves a Superbowl Team.
Like I said - I saw this from Africa - so maybe it looks different from here?
Y'all Stay Safe!