I was reading the huffington Post, as I get a lot of news from there. I saw this front page and was amazed at one thing. There was no article at the Huffingtonpost that you could comment on. I think it is because all of the bad guys pictured were Democrats - and what can you say besides there is no real ethics in Congress?
Of course, I believe there is no article to be able to comment on, because it would be flooded with negative comments about the Dems pictured.
On a side note: Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that these guys were vindicated because "they were found to not have broken any rules."
What did they allegedly do?
"The House ethics committee ruled Friday that seven lawmakers who steered hundreds of millions of dollars in largely no-bid contracts to clients of a lobbying firm had not violated any rules or laws by also collecting large campaign donations from those contractors. "
You can actually read the story here.