I have a novel Idea as to how to bring about economic reform in the US. Maybe it has been thought of before, but it is so simple, that it can really work. It all has to do with Congress, I don't care who is president, Congress would make it happen.
First, all congressmen (that is the official term don't go politically correct on me) should earn while in Congress the average salary of those in their district. This may seem unfair, but really, you are a representative of your district, not a Party and you are not any sort of elite politician. As far as campaign contributions, anything left over after the campaign must be turned in to the US treasury towards ending the national debt. No more using it as a "nest egg" for politicians.
The Senators would not be immune either, they will earn the average salary of workers in their state. Some people say, paying such a low wage encourages corruption. I disagree. All you have to do is make it a minimum 20 year prison sentence for accepting a bribe. It would be a minimum 30 year prison sentence for offering a bribe. Any company that had an employee offer a bribe to a Senator or Congressman would be immediately ineligible for any government contracts for the same 30 years.
There should be no such thing as "retirement" for members of Congress. If they want to stay and serve, great, but this should be incentive for voluntary term limits. There should be no such thing as a professional politician.
This is just the beginning, but if Congress truly had a vested interest in improving the economy, and making things better for the people they allegedly serve, then we may actually see real progress in building a real strong economy. This isn't about party, it isn't about ideals, it is plain and practical.
Just as an unrelated bonus, there should be a minimum 15 year prison sentence for any member of Congress that votes for or against any bill they have not read. Random tests could be given for this easily.
Remember to Stay Safe!