One of the worst of such comments was something like "If you are in favor of voter ID laws, then you know nothing of how disenfranchised the poor are." That was one of the dumbest statements I have heard. I have worked in 3rd world countries and failed states around the world. Most of the countries require an ID card to vote. So don't get all on the "disenfranchise the poor" argument about ID cards. A lot of these people in the 3rd world countries would make our "poor" look like upper middle class. Yet, they can manage to get ID cards. The other countries that do not use ID cards require voters to dip their finger in permanent ink and leave a fingerprint on a ballot. I am sure the people against voter ID cards would be against this policy or any that requires a fingerprint to vote.
If it weren't too costly - I would be all in favor of an electronic fingerprint system where you have it checked for citizenship or against it as you go in to vote. That is, only if the system works flawlessly. That, or use paper ballots with the fingerprint and the stained finger idea and scan all the ballots to throw out repeats and not-eligible voters.
The poorest people in the world are not disenfranchised by voter ID laws.
Voter Fraud exists.
So why the venomous opposition to voter ID laws? A large part is by ignorant do gooders thinking they have a cause to fight for the poor - I am willing to bet none of these people have ever dealt with the poor. They don't live or work amongst the poor and show their ignorance by claiming the poor don't have ID cards. They have them. I am sure there is assistance for those that cannot afford them.
There is no argument against voter ID laws (they are constitutional) other than wanting it to be harder to fight voter fraud.
Stay safe!