Well, I saw Obama sign the Health Care bill on CNN…sort-of. CNN was carrying the story live, when they had breaking news of how some lawmaker in the UK proposed that Israeli Ambassador get out of the UK because of the assassination in Dubai. (Interesting as there is no evidence Israel had anything to do with it besides Dubai Police saying so. An amateurish assassination with what now …20 plus agents involved to kill one guy? Gun-running is deadly business and it is more likely the guy tried to short change his suppliers or had in the past)
Anyhow – back to the signing of the bill. Before CNN cut away – Joe Biden was doing his marathon how much can he kiss Obama’s a$$ speech before he drops the f-bomb. After CNN flashes back to the signing – Obama had already signed the bill and he was grinning ear to ear.
I do not know if the Health Care Reform Bill is more good than bad. It does appear to be constitutionally questionable, but likely cannot be challenged in the courts for some time to come as there has to be some sort of “damages” before the case can be handled in court.
I hope it ends up being a good thing – but all I can say is only time will tell. What I do know is that it for sure welfare for insurance companies. Right now, health insurance is the only legalized pyramid scheme in the US. I know, I am a licensed Insurance Agent. Chances are if you pay $500 for insurance, only about $150-200 of it is actually for health insurance. It seems AIG is Obama’s favorite recipient of our tax dollars - first, with bailouts and now with this. Maybe deeper looking finds a different financial institution as all insurance companies are pretty much run by banks.
Whatever happens – Stay Safe!
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