Monday, August 6, 2012

Gibson Guitars Gets Their Stuff Back

You can read more details here.

It is sad that when businesses in the US are working hard at producing a quality product and hiring workers, that the government conducts armed raids on them to shut them down.

There was absolutely zero reason for the government to use SWAT teams to enter the Gibson factory to seize all of their products, because maybe they violated some dumb green law concerning wood.

I personally have not owned a Gibson guitar before - just a matter of what I can afford and personal preference.  You can be damned sure I will be getting a Gibson guitar as soon as I can.

On a side note - the government giving back the confiscated supplies will probably count as the Obama administration "helping" the business and creating jobs.

Stay safe!


  1. It is sad that Gibson could not follow the logging provisions of the Lacey Act that expressly forbid the importation of wood that has been illegally harvested in foreign countries, despite being completely aware of the situation.

  2. Anonymous - you clearly have not researched this at all. The Federal government has admitted to not even knowing the laws in India and Madagascar - so there is no way Gibson could have known.

    It is just another stupid regulation designed to be used against companies arbitrarily whom the administration doesn't like.
