Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Laptop Woes

Well, my laptop is out of order for the time being - probably in the power circuit someplace. I suspected the battery or power supply, but the problem is not in either of thos places. I guess it is time to open it up and see what I can see.

It figures that it goes out now, while I am in the land of over-priced-ness (I know that is not a word) Yeah a can of soup that is about $1.50 they were asking nearly five dollars for. Now I know that just is not right, and I know the local people do not pay thses prices. I don't mind helping the local economy, but it seems the "haves" have it all, and the have-not don't have much. I am beginning to think the warnings about local food are part of a big scam so the Lebanese mafia can get richer here. Nothing against Lebanese in general, but they run most of the markets and apartments here. It is hard to get into all of it without a long story, and I don't like long posts, so you will have to get it in small bites ( I guess small bytes too, since this is digital :P )

Nothing seems to be right or work easy here. No biggie, just a bit frustrating.


  1. A common problem with lap tops is an internal battery that is about the size of a watch battery. Almost impossible to get to and just this side of impossible to replace. It is hard-wired in and must be a part of planned obsolescense.

    Good luck.

  2. I use my laptop for everything and the battery never stays charged.

    I share your frustration!

  3. driver - I diassembled it today, I did find a possible cause, now to only locate a 20-25 watt soldering iron and rosin core solder here. That may not be my problem though/

    photog - thanks for stopping by - mine just plain does not turn on at all right now :(

  4. eat the local food - i have lived there for years and hardly eat from the supermarket......get a good cook and if you need help to do that, let me know....i will email you.

  5. I know nothing about the technical part of tools that I'm using. My sons solve the problems for me, if there is any.

    But I do think the prices of the commodities are really outrageous! I really think you should hire a cook or start cooking yourself. It isn't so hard, you know. You'll get the hang of it somehow. (hopefully)
