I have been in sort of a random this-and-that mode. I figured a lot of folks "back home" don't know much about Liberia.
Liberia's Flag was designed bases on the US Flag.
Liberia is the oldest Republic in Africa. It was formed by former freed slaves from the US.
Monrovia is named for James Monroe 5th President of the US
The official language of Liberia is English (though you may not recognize it when spoken by a local)
The country came out of 14 years of civil war in 2003 when the UN Mission (UNMIL) started here. Over 250000 people died in that/those civil war(s). 
Liberia produces lots of rubber - Firestone has a large plantation here.
Liberia is where some believe dinosaurs still roam. The Kumbway and the Gbahali Y'all Stay Safe!