Look What John Kerry is doing "for" you now.
"The American Power Act" is simply a "cap and trade bill." Don't believe me? read "Part II Carbon Capture and Sequestration Deployment." It is nothing but cap and trade.
OK, I know some of the cap and trade folks are nuts - but guess what is claimed by the wing-nut blog "Center for American Progress". They actually think they can legislate fewer
hurricanes in Florida. No, I am not kidding! Their words: "Florida or Gulf Coast residents would face fewer severe tropical storms that can destroy homes and property, and cost millions of tax dollars to clean up." How naive can they be to think they can legislate hurricanes? It has "Reducing Global Warming Pollution" in the bill.
Ok, so this is based on AL Gore's claims about global warming er, I mean climate change, and he says the oceans will rise.
Note that Al Gore just spent nine million dollars on a house that would be in the flood zone (it is ocean view property) - I guess he doesn't really believe what he preaches - then again, anyone that thought he was doing anything other than an info-mercial for carbon credits he is scamming folks for deserve to be scammed.
The claim it will create jobs - there is no evidence of this, and more likely it would wreck the economy. First of all, no one knows how much "cap" to cap. (I know it says there will be a "panel of experts" but who chooses the experts?
This is the worst bill I have seen in ages - but then again John "I want to make sure and tax our troops" Kerry came up with the bill.
Ugh! Idiots in Congress and they do more of what people do not want!
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