Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing

Well, after being home a while I see that there is still much ado about nothing. This seems to be by political folks that want to take away focus from what is important and focus on made-up issues.

What I am focusing on is the "new" immigration law in Arizona. All sorts of people have dropped the race card on this claiming it is a law that allows abuse and racial profiling.

Let's look at the facts:

  • The law does not allow any police to stop anyone to ask for identification as an illegal alien.
  • The law requires that stops be made as they are now under the law using reasonable suspicion or probable cause for a violation of the law.
  • The law requires police to check for documentation on people they suspect are illegal aliens that have already been detained.

Note: Police always ask for identification on people detained before the law changed.

So where does anyone get racism out of this? Where do you get profiling from. There is NO CHANGE in how police can stop and detain people.

The only change is that the police can hold illegal aliens they have already detained for another reason under the state law.

So what is the problem? The only people that should be complaining are the police in Arizona - they are now doing someone else's job!

With all that is going on - I believe the stirring up of all of this is to get focus of of real issues so that people get off of the unemployment issues, the grow deficit, lack of immigration reform, lack of intelligence on terrorists and the like.

Anyways Stay Safe!

Why is anyone upset thatpolice ask for identification.

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