Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why Advertize for Flood Insurance When There is None?

I just read a story how the feds are dragging their feet approving flood insurance.  Next thing I know there is a flood insurance ad on TV.  What gives?

SO we can't get flood insurance because of the government - but they tell us to get it (the government) - just how dumb is that?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Offshore non-Drilling Moratorium is Struck Down

Hooray for the US and the Justice system. The dictator's er, I mean president's moratorium on offshore drilling was struck down in court.  This is not the first time the administration has retroactively  gone after someone.  It is the first time I know of that the dictatorship administration has lost in federal court while doing so.

The drilling companies, their employees, and all the businesses that support them are the winners.  It is amazing that when Obama is focused like a lazer on jobs that he is using a shotgun to destroy jobs.  What he did would be the equivelent of shutting down all taxi's because one gets in a wreck that kills a few people.

Obama's weakness is that he has no real-life experts in his administration that can give him real advice.  He let that cat out of the bag when he made the ignorant comment about the technologies dealing with the offshore drilling and oil spill clean-up are all 40 years old.  He just does not have anyone he listens to that knows anything about the business.  Maybe that is why he has refused help from hi-tech firms from other countries.  The real reason is his advisors are only concerned about union jobs, and not about solving any of the problem.  Of course he thinks he has solved a problem because he called "" so the problem is solved, right?

Anyways, stay safe!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Definition of Irony

"A sixty-foot tall statue of Jesus Christ was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam to be snapped up by curious onlookers Tuesday.

The manner in which the figure of Jesus stretched his arms skyward so resembled a referee signaling a touchdown that it earned the statue the nickname 'Touchdown' Jesus" Rest of the story here.

To me that is pretty much the definition of irony.  I am not goining to say much else, as I do not want to be struck by lightning.  :)

Stay Safe!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

BArack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize - 6 Months Later

OK - it was exactly 6 months ago that Barack Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize for... um  ... for well for nothing, I mean for "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."   Wow, that is a lot better than "e for effort."   Then it was explained that is was for what he was going to accomplish.  Since this award was awarded in haste - basically for nothing other than a "we really, really like him." award by Norway. (In reality the award was announced in October, so we are like 8 months after).  The panel said that "We have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year. (which was run for office and nothing done for peace) And we are hoping this may contribute a little bit for what he is trying to do," Silly Norwegians, for what he has done in the past year riiiiiight!

So let's see how he has "fostered diplomacy."  When people focus on peace they often look to the middle east.  I am not sure exactly where the middle east starts and stops, but most folks agree that Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Iran are in the middle east (some may include Afghanistan, I would not).  As far as I can tell things are worse, not better as far as peace goes.  Israel and Palestine are no closer to peaceful coexistence thanks to Hamas, Fattah, and Hezbola.Iraq situation has not changed for the better and is and has been controlled by Iraqi government long before Obama got elected.  I guess when Bush said "We will leave when Iraq wants us to leave."  was pretty accurate.  Iran - well, no one can say this current administration could not have handled the Iran situation any worse.  Basically nothing has been done about Iran except that we have told them that they have been really, really bad.  Anyhow - I see a no more peaceful middle east.

The Afghanistan situation so far is deteriorating.  However we are trying a surge kind of thing (I wonder who decided to do such a thing before).  Funny, since the Gulf Oil spill, no one in the media is even asking about how things are going or have gone with it.  After all the new offensive - that was to start in the spring should be well under way.

North Korea - the situation with them is worse than ever - we allowed them to sink a South Korean ship and all we can say is something about "the world", not us, not our allies - wait we don't have allies anymore, I forgot.  If you think we have allies - give me a list of them from 2008, but check it close - you will have to scratch most of them off.

My view is that Norway blew this last Peace Prize (again).

Whatever you do - stay safe!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is There Life on Titan?

Titan is a moon of Saturn,  OK, not just A moon, but the biggest moon.  Somehow because hydrogen seems to pass down in the atmosphere and disappear, all of the sudden they are claiming  that there is life there.  Not water based life (I thought we were carbon based) so therefore they would breath and or eat hydrogen and acetylene.  Sounds more like an explosive situation to me. :P

The scientists did say this:

Two papers released last week detailing oddities found on Titan have blown the top off the 'jumping to conclusions' meter, and following media reports of NASA finding alien life on Saturn's hazy moon, scientists are now trying to put a little reality back into the news. "Everyone: Calm down!" said Cassini imaging team leader Carolyn Porco on Twitter over the weekend. "It is by NO means certain that microbes are eating hydrogen on Titan. Non-bio explanations are still possible." Porco also put out a statement on Monday saying such reports were "the unfortunate result of a knee-jerk rush to sensationalize an exciting but rather complex, nuanced and emotionally-charged issue."

 (from "Universe Today")

Of course, when the Russians get there we may find out.  Yes, the Russians, as thanks to Obama, they are ahead of us in the space race once more.  I am not just blowing steam.  Look at the simulations they are already carrying out.

We owe China, we are behind Russia in the Space Race, things sure have changed.

Stay Safe!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stuff on the High Seas

Oh my oh my how the international community is fickle.  Let me get this straight - North Korea sinks a South Korean ship totally unprovoked and ... I think I hear the crickets.  There is nothing - no condemnation.  Our country just says the international community should do something (notice not our country).  Kind of reminds me of the line about "we are going to send you a really, really mean letter"  or something like that.  Funny - that was not even an issue.

But wait! - Some Israeli Military ships stop some ships attempting to run a blockade and offer to unload, inspect, then let the shipment pass with any humanitarian aid.  Then the people on the ships start acting like California cops on Rodney King to the Israelis and when the Israelis defend themselves - it is  like" Oh how dare you attack these 'Peace Ships'!"

I guess antisemitism is popular again (then again to be anything even slightly appearing as half negative against islam is punishable by the death penalty).

Well, I have seen the videos - pretty clear the "Peace Ship" folks were not on any sort of peace mission. 

That's all for today - stay safe!