Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is There Life on Titan?

Titan is a moon of Saturn,  OK, not just A moon, but the biggest moon.  Somehow because hydrogen seems to pass down in the atmosphere and disappear, all of the sudden they are claiming  that there is life there.  Not water based life (I thought we were carbon based) so therefore they would breath and or eat hydrogen and acetylene.  Sounds more like an explosive situation to me. :P

The scientists did say this:

Two papers released last week detailing oddities found on Titan have blown the top off the 'jumping to conclusions' meter, and following media reports of NASA finding alien life on Saturn's hazy moon, scientists are now trying to put a little reality back into the news. "Everyone: Calm down!" said Cassini imaging team leader Carolyn Porco on Twitter over the weekend. "It is by NO means certain that microbes are eating hydrogen on Titan. Non-bio explanations are still possible." Porco also put out a statement on Monday saying such reports were "the unfortunate result of a knee-jerk rush to sensationalize an exciting but rather complex, nuanced and emotionally-charged issue."

 (from "Universe Today")

Of course, when the Russians get there we may find out.  Yes, the Russians, as thanks to Obama, they are ahead of us in the space race once more.  I am not just blowing steam.  Look at the simulations they are already carrying out.

We owe China, we are behind Russia in the Space Race, things sure have changed.

Stay Safe!

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