Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Lies About Bengazi Are Still Flowing

Everyone that had a brain knew that the attack on the US Consulate in Bengazi was a planned terrorist attack to coincide with September 11th.  The US State Department knew this the day of the attack.  They also knew some crappy video about Islam had nothing to do with it.

The Obama administration has continued to spout lies about what happened in Lybia, and only bit by bit from different parts of the Administration have they been admitting that it was a planned coordinated attack.

As a matter of fact, the extended unrest in the middle east and protests around other US Embassies can likely be attributed to the Administration's spouting about said crappy video as much as anything that may or may not have been stirred up by anyone else.  Why?  Because the Obama Administration was getting world-wide press coverage with them touting how this video was stirring up Muslims against the US.

The facts are that the Obama administration lied about the attacks.  Obama himself lied about the attacks.  His spokesperson lied about the attacks.  The facts are that the Obama administration refused to up the security in Bengazi and the facts are that budget was NOT an issue.  Anyone saying budget was an issue is trying to deflect blame from the people who have the blood of the diplomats on their hands.

Is there anyone naive enough, or blinded enough to try to defend the Obama administration about this?  If Obama were the "smart guy" that people claim he is, he would admit there was a mistake and own up to it.  But we all know that would never happen - because according to him - he doesn't make mistakes.

Stay Safe!

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