Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama's Abandonment of Americans in Benghazi

In 1972, 5 men committed burglary to place listening devices in a campaign headquarters.  This turned into one of the biggest scandals in the US known as Watergate (named after the building where the burglary took place).

What made Watergate a scandal, was not the burglary itself, but the organized cover-up of the crime by many on Richard Nixon’s staff.

On 9/11/2012, the US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three others were assassinated in a terrorist action taken in Benghazi.  What has now unfolded is that it is undeniable (though they continue to deny the fact) that the Obama Administration had an organized effort to cover up what really happened.  To top it all off, the President saw fit to visit Las Vegas for a fundraiser rather than stay on top of the attack against the United States.

The number one priority for any president is to protect the United States and its citizens.  Obviously Mr. Obama thought it wasn’t important enough to distract himself from campaigning for his own job.
It is known that Obama and the white house knew that the attack was a terroristic attack, even though the president himself would not acknowledge that.  He also had his minions and his spokesman actually deny that it was a terroristic attack on the United States for almost a month, until undeniable evidence avalanched upon them.   

The administration continued to lie about the incident, claiming 2 men that were killed in the attack, former Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Dougherty were in Benghazi for the purpose of protecting the Ambassador.  They were not.  They were there trying to track down should fired ant-aircraft missiles.  As a matter of fact, Obama administration officials ordered those two men not to protect the ambassador when they had asked for assistance and asked to go to Benghazi to protect the Ambassador.  This sounds a lot like a Biblical incident where King David intentionally sent his general out to get killed.

While the attack took place, and heroes were asking for assistance, the Obama Administration did nothing.  I guess it isn’t hipster enough to protect Americans that represent you.

Every day they cover it up – it gets worse and worse.  Why the cover up?  Who knows.  This administration has proven over and over how it is incompetent, or worse.

Whatever you do – stay safe!

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